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Month: May 2024
Barnes Lodge is an independent retirement living development based in Dorchester, along Bridport Road near Sainsburys. The lodge was built by Churchill Retirement Living in 2014 on the site of the old Dorchester fire station and was an exciting new housing opportunity for the over 60s. Dame Esther Rantzen officially opened the building in 2015...
Churchill’s Beatrice Lodge development in Sittingbourne has built a strong relationship with the local Swale 6th Form Skills Centre, which provides opportunities for students in catering and hospitality, hair and beauty.   Apartment Owner Hilary Foulds says: “We began our relationship by attending a three-course lunch at the centre in their training restaurant, which was...
The Churchill lifestyle has been a perfect fit across the generations for Sylvia Anson and her daughter Barbara, who was inspired to look for a Churchill apartment of her own after seeing how much her Mum enjoyed life at Fitzford Lodge in Tavistock. Now they are both making the most of all the benefits that...